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Lumiere Research Initiative Student-Run. Saint Louis University-based. Reimagining Research. Systematic Reviews

Saint Louis University’s first student-led research group.

Lumiere Research Initiative Systematic Reviews

Saint Louis University’s first student-led research group.

Founded in 2020
As a group by students and for students who are in pursuit of greater good.
40+ Active Members
From Saint Louis University and Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
5 PIs
Diverse research interests in medical family therapy and oncology.

Who Are We?

"Lumiere stands for 'light'. At its core, the Lumiere Research Initiative is a team. One that seeks answers in pursuit of the benefit for others. As a student-led research group, we strive to provide valuable opportunities to our members. We aim to improve the knowledge and abilities of all those who seek a future in science."

Our Mission

The Lumiere Research Initiative aims to provide research opportunities and exposure for undergraduate students. Through involvement in systematic review research, members will engage in multiple experiences that serve to enhance their critical thinking and information literacy skills.

What is Systematic Review Research?

Systematic review research is the thorough organization and analysis of already existing data. Via intricately structured methods, it establishes degrees of primacy and relevance within research. This allows for the development of a standardized approach towards a seemingly perplexing question.

Interested in Being Part of Our Team?

Our team members at Lumiere must adhere to all our values and ethics regarding academic integrity, honesty, and more.

Proudly partnered with ResearchRabbit

ResearchRabbit empowers researchers like us with the latest technology to reimagine the process of literature searches and data screening for systematic reviews.
Last updated: February 2022

Current Works

Manuscripts in Preparation

1. The Relationship between Gynecological Cancer Survivors & Depression: A Systematic Review

2. The Relationship between Ovarian Cancer & Onset Cerebellar Degeneration: A Systematic Review

3. The Relationship between Head Trauma & Opiate Addiction: A Systematic Review

4. Exploring the Link Between ACEs and Opioid Use: A Systematic Review

Submitted Manuscripts

5. Ten Years of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Antidepressants Research: A Systematic Review

Lumiere's sponsors and affiliates who aid in elevating the capability of our research